Data Analytics interview Q&A at Gramener


In the realm of data analytics, Gramener stands as a beacon of innovation and expertise. Aspiring data professionals often find themselves intrigued by the challenges and opportunities that await within this dynamic organization. Whether you’re preparing for an interview or seeking to deepen your understanding of the field, a grasp of the key questions and answers can pave the way for success. Let’s delve into some of the common inquiries and insightful responses that illuminate the path to a fulfilling career in data analytics at Gramener.

Interview Questions

Question: What is Python Flask?

Answer: Python Flask is a lightweight and powerful web framework for creating web applications in the Python programming language. It is classified as a microframework because it does not require particular tools or libraries. Flask supports extensions that can add application features as if they were implemented in Flask itself. These characteristics make Flask flexible and easy to use, allowing developers to start simple and incrementally add more complex features as needed.

Question: Python Multithreading?

Answer: Python multithreading is a concurrent execution technique that allows a Python program to run multiple threads (also known as lightweight processes or tasks) concurrently. It is a way to achieve multitasking within a single process, where each thread represents a separate flow of control within the program. This is particularly useful for I/O-bound applications that spend a lot of time waiting for external events (such as network responses or disk I/O), allowing other threads to execute during these wait times.

Question: What is Dictionaries in Python

Answer: In Python, a dictionary is a mutable, unordered collection of items. While other compound data types have only value as an element, a dictionary has a key-value pair. Dictionaries are optimized to retrieve values when the key is known. Creating a dictionary is as simple as placing items inside curly braces {} separated by commas, with each item being a pair in the form key: value. Keys within a dictionary must be unique and immutable types (such as strings, numbers, or tuples with immutable elements), whereas the values can be of any data type and can be repeated.

Question: What is the difference between adjusted Rsqr and normal Rsqr?


Penalty for Additional Predictors:

R-squared does not penalize for adding more predictors, potentially leading to overfitting.

Adjusted R-squared penalizes the model for adding predictors that don’t improve the model significantly.

Comparative Use:

R-squared is straightforward but can be misleading for models with many predictors.

Adjusted R-squared is more suitable for comparing models with a different number of predictors, offering a more honest evaluation of model performance.

Calculation Complexity:

R-squared is simpler to calculate and interpret.

Adjusted R-squared involves a more complex calculation that considers the number of predictors and the sample size.

Usage Context:

R-squared is useful for understanding how well the model fits the observed data.

Adjusted R-squared is better for model selection, especially when adding variables to the model and needing to assess whether the improvement in model fit is due to meaningful variables rather than an increase in complexity.

Question: What is the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of normal distribution?

Answer: In a normal distribution, which is a symmetric, bell-shaped distribution that is fully described by its mean and standard deviation, the mean, median, and mode are all equal, and they are located at the center of the distribution. The standard deviation measures the spread of the distribution—the larger the standard deviation, the wider the distribution.

Mean (μ)

The mean is the average of all the data points in the distribution. In a normal distribution, it is located at the center and is the point of symmetry.


The median is the middle value when the data points are arranged in order. Because the normal distribution is symmetric, the median is also located at the center of the distribution, and it equals the mean.


The mode is the most frequently occurring value in the distribution. For a normal distribution, since it is symmetric and has a single peak, the mode coincides with the mean and median at the center.

Standard Deviation (σ)

The standard deviation measures the amount of variability or dispersion of the data points from the mean. In a normal distribution, about 68% of the data falls within one standard deviation of the mean, about 95% falls within two standard deviations, and about 99.7% falls within three standard deviations.

Question: What is 2sigma?

Answer: In a normal distribution, “2 sigma” refers to a range that spans from two standard deviations below the mean to two standard deviations above it. Since sigma (σ) denotes standard deviation, “2 sigma” encompasses approximately 95% of all data points in a normal distribution. This concept is central to statistics and quality control, indicating a region where the bulk of values are expected to lie, highlighting the distribution’s central tendency and variability.

Question: Explain how decision tree nodes are created.

Answer: Decision tree nodes are created through a process known as recursive binary splitting, where the algorithm splits the data into subsets based on the values of features. The goal is to find the best splits that result in the most homogenous subsets in terms of the target variable.

  • Root Node: Start with the entire dataset as the root node.
  • Feature Selection: Evaluate features to find the best split based on purity metrics like Gini impurity or Information Gain.
  • Splitting: Partition the data into subsets using the selected feature and split point.
  • Child Nodes: Each subset becomes a child node, leading to branches in the tree.
  • Stopping Criteria: Stop splitting based on criteria like maximum depth, minimum samples per leaf, or minimum impurity decrease.
  • Leaf Nodes: Final nodes represent predictions, containing majority class or average target variable value.
  • Recursive Process: Repeat the process recursively for each node until stopping criteria are met, creating the decision tree structure.

Question: What is a sigmoid function in logistic regression?

Answer: The sigmoid function, also known as the logistic function, is a key component in logistic regression. It is a mathematical function that maps any real-valued number to a value between 0 and 1. In logistic regression, the sigmoid function is used to model the relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables, converting the output into a probability score.

Question: What are the algorithms used in decision trees?


  • ID3: Uses entropy and information gain for attribute selection, prone to overfitting with attributes having many values.
  • 5: Enhances ID3 by using information gain ratio, handles missing values, and reduces bias towards attributes with numerous values.
  • CART: Versatile for classification and regression, uses Gini impurity for classification and mean squared error for regression, creates binary splits.
  • CHAID: Utilizes chi-squared tests to find significant associations in categorical variables, suitable for multiway trees.
  • MARS: Combines decision trees with linear regression, models non-linear relationships using piecewise linear functions, effective for continuous variables.
  • Random Forest: Ensemble method combining multiple decision trees, reduces overfitting by averaging predictions and using random feature subsets.

Question: What is the odds ratio?

Answer: The odds ratio is a measure used in statistics to quantify the strength and direction of the association between two events. It is commonly used in logistic regression and epidemiological studies to compare the odds of an event occurring in one group to the odds of it occurring in another group.

Question: What is the null hypothesis for linear regression and logistic regression?


Linear Regression:


The null hypothesis states no linear relationship between independent and dependent variables.

Rejection suggests a significant impact of the independent variable(s) on the dependent variable.

Logistic Regression:


The null hypothesis states no association between independent variables and log odds of outcome.

Rejection implies a significant relationship between the independent variable(s) and the outcome.

Question: How do you say that your data is normally distributed?


Statistical Tests:

Shapiro-Wilk Test: Null Hypothesis (0H0​): Data is normally distributed.

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test: Null Hypothesis (0H0​): Data is normally distributed.

If p-value > 0.05 for these tests, data is considered normally distributed.

Visual Checks:

Histogram: Look for a bell-shaped curve.

Q-Q Plot: Points should align along a diagonal line.

Box Plot: Symmetrical boxes and uniform whiskers, evenly distributed outliers.

Density Plot: Bell-shaped curve with a single peak.

Descriptive Statistics:

Skewness and Kurtosis: Around 0 for skewness, and 2-3 for kurtosis indicates normality.

Mean vs. Median: Similar values in a normal distribution.

Other Technical Questions

  • Program to find the nearest point from Origin (0,0))
  • Python program to find the word with the maximum characters in a text file
  • Clustering, Regression statistics ANOVA, Deep Learning
  • Questions, Aptitude, Verbal Communication
  • Multi-process
  • Async SQL Questions
  • Core-Python, SQL, if-else, functions


In the realm of data analytics, Gramener stands at the crossroads of cutting-edge technology and insightful analysis. Mastering these interview questions and answers not only prepares you for the challenges ahead but also sets the stage for a rewarding journey into the world of data-driven decision-making at Gramener. Let these insights be your guide as you embark on an exciting career in data analytics, where every question uncovers new opportunities for growth and discovery.


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