Lambda (Anonymous) Function in Python

Introduction To Lambda Function In Python In Python, there are three different types of function user-defined function, build-in function, an anonymous function. The anonymous function...

What is NumPy In Python?

What is NumPy?  NumPy in Python provides a high-performance multidimensional array and basic tools to compute with and manipulate these arrays. NumPy is the library...
List in python

List in Python and it’s Examples

Introduction to lists A list in Python is a data structure that acts as a container to store multiple values. A python list is an...

Transaction Control Language (TCL)

Transaction Control Language SQL stands for structured query language which is used to create, modify, retrieve, and store the data in the relational database. Introduction to...

Inner Join In SQL With Examples

Introduction to Inner Join In SQL The most valuable and commonly used of the joins is the Inner Join In SQL.  They are also referred to...

Languages in SQL and its Examples

Introduction about the languages in SQL There are three languages that control the SQL database. Like creating a table and modifying the data inside the...

Python Strings and It’s Examples

Introduction To Python Strings The basic definition of python strings is we can say that it is a sequence of characters in python. There are...

Comments in Python and its Examples

Introduction to Comments in Python Comment means part of the code where you add extra information about your code. That comments in Python are not...

Sets in Python and it’s Examples

Introduction To Sets In Python A Sets in Python are similar to this mathematical set with the following new conditions. Properties of Sets in Python. The elements...

Outer Join in SQL and It’s Examples

Introduction to Outer Join in SQL Outer Join in SQL is used when you want to retrieve some uncommon data from multiple tables. The Outer...