Navigating the Interview at PayPal: Common Questions and Answers


In the competitive landscape of today’s job market, preparation is key to landing your dream job. For many aspiring candidates, interviews at renowned companies like PayPal can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. To help you navigate this process with confidence, let’s explore some common interview questions and their answers that you might encounter at PayPal.

Technical Interview Questions

Question: What is a hypothesis test?

Answer: A hypothesis test is a statistical tool used to assess whether there is sufficient evidence to support a claim about a population parameter. It involves creating a null hypothesis (H0) representing the default assumption and an alternative hypothesis (Ha) asserting what we want to test. By analyzing sample data, we decide whether to reject the null hypothesis, typically based on a significance level (alpha). This process helps in concluding the population based on the observed data, using tests like t-tests or chi-square tests.

Question: What is a confidence interval?

Answer: A confidence interval is a range of values constructed from sample data that is likely to contain the true population parameter. It provides a measure of uncertainty around the estimated value of the parameter, typically expressed at a certain level of confidence, such as 95% or 99%. This means that if we were to repeat the sampling process multiple times, the true parameter would fall within the interval in that percentage of cases. Confidence intervals are widely used in statistics to provide a sense of the precision and reliability of estimates derived from sample data.

Question: What is normal distribution?

Answer: A normal distribution, or Gaussian distribution, is a symmetrical bell-shaped curve where the mean, median, and mode are all equal. It’s characterized by its mean and standard deviation, with many natural phenomena and measurements conforming to this pattern. The 68-95-99.7 rule describes the percentage of data points falling within one, two, and three standard deviations from the mean in a normal distribution, making it a fundamental concept in statistics and various scientific fields.

Question: What is correlation and covariance?


Correlation: Correlation is a statistical measure that describes the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. It ranges from -1 to 1, where:

1 indicates a perfect positive correlation (as one variable increases, the other also increases)

-1 indicates a perfect negative correlation (as one variable increases, the other decreases), and

0 indicates no linear relationship.

Covariance: Covariance is a measure of how two variables change together. It indicates the direction of the linear relationship between variables.

A positive covariance suggests that as one variable increases, the other tends to also increase, while a negative covariance indicates that as one variable increases, the other tends to decrease.

However, the magnitude of covariance is not easily interpretable as it depends on the scale of the variables.

Question: Explain the order of kurtosis of different distributions.

Answer: The order of kurtosis of different distributions.

The order of kurtosis describes how distributions compare to the normal distribution:

  • Leptokurtic distributions (kurtosis > 3) have heavy tails and a sharp peak, with more extreme values.
  • Mesokurtic distributions (kurtosis = 3), like the normal distribution, have a moderate peak and tails.
  • Platykurtic distributions (kurtosis < 3) have light tails and a flatter peak, with fewer extreme values.

Question: What is Regularization?

Answer: Regularization is a technique used in machine learning to prevent overfitting and improve the generalization of a model. It involves adding a penalty term to the model’s loss function, which discourages the model from learning overly complex patterns in the training data.

There are different types of regularization, such as L1 regularization (Lasso), which adds the absolute values of the coefficients to the loss function, encouraging sparsity, and L2 regularization (Ridge), which adds the squared magnitudes of the coefficients, penalizing large weights.

Question: What is hypothesis testing?

Answer: Hypothesis testing is a statistical method used to make inferences about a population parameter based on sample data. It involves formulating two competing hypotheses: the null hypothesis (H0), which represents the default assumption, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha), which asserts what we want to test.

Question: What is cross-validation in machine learning?

Answer: Cross-validation is a technique used in machine learning to assess the performance and generalization ability of a predictive model. It involves partitioning the dataset into subsets, typically a training set and a validation set, multiple times.

The most common type of cross-validation is k-fold cross-validation, where the dataset is divided into k equal-sized folds. The model is trained on k-1 folds and validated on the remaining fold, and this process is repeated k times, each time with a different fold held out for validation.

Question: How to do feature engineering?

Answer: Feature engineering involves creating new features from existing data to enhance machine learning model performance:

Transform variables with imputation, binning, and encoding methods.

Select relevant features through correlation analysis, model-based techniques, and dimensionality reduction.

Create new features with interactions, polynomial terms, or domain-specific knowledge.

Continuously assess and iterate on model performance to refine feature engineering choices for optimal results.

Question: Explain linear regression.

Answer: Linear Regression is a statistical method used to model the relationship between a dependent variable (target) and one or more independent variables (features). It assumes a linear relationship between the variables, represented by a straight line in a 2D space, or a plane in higher dimensions. The goal is to find the best-fit line/plane that minimizes the difference between the actual and predicted values.

Question: How do you find feature importance in a neural network?

Answer: To find feature importance in a neural network:

Inspect weights’ magnitudes, where higher values indicate stronger feature influence.

Use feature perturbation by measuring performance changes when features are individually shuffled.

Calculate gradients of the loss function concerning input features; larger gradients suggest importance.

Employ methods like LIME, SHAP values, or Layer-wise Relevance Propagation for deeper insights into feature contributions.

Question: What do you know about the Central Limit Theorem?

Answer: The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) is a fundamental concept in statistics that states that the sampling distribution of the sample mean of a random variable will be approximately normally distributed, regardless of the original distribution of the variable itself, under certain conditions.

Key points about the CLT:

  • Conditions: The random variables must be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), with a finite mean and variance.
  • Result: As the sample size increases, the distribution of the sample mean will approach a normal distribution, centered around the population mean, with a standard deviation equal to the population standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size (�/�σ/n​).
  • Implications: This theorem is incredibly powerful because it allows us to make inferences about population parameters, even when we do not know the underlying distribution. It forms the basis for many statistical tests and confidence intervals used in hypothesis testing and estimation.

Simple SQL query

Question: What is a primary key in SQL?

Answer: A primary key is a unique identifier for each record in a database table. It ensures that each row in the table can be uniquely identified and helps enforce data integrity. A primary key column cannot have NULL values, and each value in the column must be unique.

Question: How do you sort records in SQL?

Answer: You can sort records using the ORDER BY clause in SQL. For example, to retrieve records from the “customers” table sorted by the “name” column in ascending order:

SELECT * FROM customers


This query will return records sorted alphabetically by the “name” column in ascending order.

Question: How do you count the number of records in a table?

Answer: To count the number of records in a table, you can use the COUNT() function. For example, to count the number of records in the “customers” table:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers;

Question: What is the difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN in SQL?


INNER JOIN: Returns only the rows where there is a match in both tables based on the join condition.


SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column;

LEFT JOIN: Returns all rows from the left table (table1), and the matched rows from the right table (table2). If there is no match, NULL values are returned for the columns of table 2.


SELECT * FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column;

ML question related to trees

Question: What is a Decision Tree in machine learning?

Answer: A Decision Tree is a supervised learning algorithm used for both classification and regression tasks. It works by recursively partitioning the dataset into subsets based on the features that best separate the target variable. This process creates a tree-like structure where each internal node represents a feature, each branch represents a decision rule, and each leaf node represents the outcome.

Question: Explain how a Decision Tree makes splits.

Answer: Decision Trees make splits based on the feature that best separates the data into distinct classes or reduces variance the most for regression tasks. The algorithm considers all possible splits for each feature and selects the one that maximizes a metric such as information gain (for classification) or reduction in variance (for regression).

Question: What is Pruning in Decision Trees?

Answer: Pruning is a technique used to prevent overfitting in Decision Trees. It involves removing nodes that do not provide significant predictive power and may lead to better generalization. Two common types of pruning are:

  • Pre-pruning: Stopping the tree-building process early based on conditions such as maximum depth, minimum samples per leaf, or maximum number of leaf nodes.
  • Post-pruning: Building the full tree first and then removing nodes that do not improve performance on a validation set.

Question: What are the advantages of Decision Trees?


  • Easy to understand and interpret.
  • Can handle both numerical and categorical data.
  • Does not require feature scaling.
  • Automatically handles missing values.
  • Able to capture non-linear relationships and interactions between features.

Question: What are the disadvantages of Decision Trees?


  • Prone to overfitting, especially with deep trees.
  • Can create biased trees if some classes dominate.
  • Instability: small variations in the data can lead to different tree structures.
  • Not the best for estimating the strength of relationships between features and targets.
  • Not well-suited for problems with smooth boundaries.

Question: What is Random Forest?

Answer: Random Forest is an ensemble learning method that uses multiple Decision Trees to improve predictive performance and reduce overfitting. It works by training each tree on a random subset of the data (bagging) and using a random subset of features at each split. The final prediction is then made by averaging the predictions of all the individual trees (for regression) or using voting (for classification).

Some basic Python Questions

Question: What are the key features of Python?


  • Simple and easy-to-read syntax
  • Interpreted and dynamically typed
  • Supports multiple programming paradigms (procedural, object-oriented, functional)
  • Extensive standard library
  • Third-party libraries and frameworks for diverse tasks

Question: What are Python’s data types?

Answer: Python has several built-in data types, including:

  • Integers (int)
  • Floating-point numbers (float)
  • Strings (str)
  • Lists (list)
  • Tuples (tuple)
  • Dictionaries (dict)
  • Sets (set)

Question: Explain the difference between list and tuple in Python.


  • List: Mutable, meaning elements can be modified, added, or removed. Defined with square brackets ([]).
  • Tuple: Immutable, meaning elements cannot be changed once defined. Defined with parentheses (()).


my_list = [1, 2, 3]

my_tuple = (1, 2, 3)

Question: How do you define a function in Python?

Answer: You can define a function in Python using the def keyword:

def my_function(arg1, arg2):

# Function body

return arg1 + arg2

Question: Explain list comprehension in Python.

Answer: List comprehension is a concise way to create lists in Python. It allows you to create a new list by applying an expression to each item in an existing iterable (such as a list or range).


# Create a list of squares of numbers from 0 to 9 squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)]

Showcase a project you’ve done in the past.

Other General Questions

Question: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Question: Explain about yourself.

Question: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Question: Questions on internship and how you handle the situation.

Question: Do you have any experience being a data analyst?

Question: Why would want to work in this role?

Question: What are the best methods for data cleaning?

Question: A coin was tossed 10 times and the head appeared on every toss. what is the probability that the head will come if the coin is tossed the 11th time? Is the coin biased?

Question: If you draw two cards from a standard deck of cards without replacement, what is the probability that they will both be aces?

Question: In a set of 30 game cards, 17 are white and the rest are green. 4 white and 5 green are marked “important”. If a card is chosen randomly from this set, what is the possibility of choosing a green card or an “important” card?

Question: Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals of 2,4,6,8,10 and 12 seconds respectively. In 30 minutes, how many times do they toll together?

Question: A person can row 5 kmph in still water. If the river is running at 1kmph, it takes him 75 minutes to row to a place and back. How far is the place?

Question: How many years would it take for the compound interest on a €10,000 investment to equal €2,100, assuming an interest rate of 10% applied?


Interviews at PayPal are opportunities to showcase your skills, knowledge, and alignment with the company’s values. Preparation, practice, and a positive attitude can go a long way in leaving a lasting impression on interviewers.

Remember, each question is not just an inquiry into your technical prowess but also a chance to demonstrate problem-solving skills, adaptability, and a collaborative mindset. With these insights into common interview questions at PayPal, I hope you feel more equipped and confident to ace your next interview!


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